We have now combined our Outings group with our Open Gardens Group.
Sue Glover (see contacts) organisies this group.
If you would like to be added to the list, either to open your garden to other members or just to visit local gardens and other outings, please contact her with your details.
Open Gardens
If you enjoy visiting members' gardens and would like the opportunity to gain advice and ideas in a relaxed informal atmosphere then this is the group for you. Each year a number of members open their gardens for viewing for 2 -3 hours, usually one day per year at a time chosen by that member. This provides an excellent opportunity to see what grows well in a variety of soils and situations. Members also exchange plants and seeds.
Sue also organises visits to other gardens, usually within driving distance. These include gardens in the National Gardens Scheme as well as other interesting locations.
We will be visiting Gatton Park at the top of Reigate Hill on 21st February. If you would like to join us email Sue on the email below.
Contact Sue Glover: suegreenfingers51@gmail.com