Our annual Gardening and Craft show will be held on 14th June 2025 at St Martin's School, Ashley Road, Epsom KT18 7AD. Do join us and enjoy the wonderful exhibits and a cuppa and cake to help you along!
We are very fortunate to have highly experienced judges at our shows. Exhibitors and public alike find the judges’ comments constructive and interesting.
Members are encouraged to have a go at entering the Show - click here for the 2025 schedule
It can seem daunting to the novice as there seem to be a lot of rules and regulations. However, most of these are only to make sure that everyone who enters is working to the same guidelines. There is only a very small charge to enter each item, and you can enter as few or as many classes as you wish. If you don’t win anything this time, there is always the next Show. The important thing to remember is that everyone was a beginner once and the Shows are inclusive of everyone so please don’t think “I can’t possibly be good enough”.
Members of Epsom Garden Society are warmly invited to exhibit their own designs by entering the Flower Arrangement section of the show. There are classes for Novice, Intermediate and Advanced skill levels. Conditions regarding eligibility for each skill level are in the Show Schedule. However, members of other local, NAFAS recognised, flower clubs who become members of EGS should compete at the same skill level they achieved in that club.
Children have free entry to our shows with the chance to win certificates, medals as well as prizes for your school. For information contact Cathy Flitter .
If you are thinking of entering our shows with have some ideas to help you.
Click for hints & tips on: